15.0" XGA TFT

1024 x RGB x 768 (XGA), LED 400[cd/m2]


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OPTO Logic part number 00.00.00000 [-]
Resolution 1024 x RGB x 768 (XGA) [pixel x colors x pixel]
Resolution XGA [-]
Outline X (ODx) 326.5 [mm]
Outline Y (ODy) 253.5 [mm]
Outline Z (ODz) 11.5 [mm]
Active area X (AAx) 304.1 [mm]
Active area Y (AAy) 228.1 [mm]
Size 15.0 [inch]
Size 381.0 [mm]
Brightness 400 [nits]
Contrast [Typ.]
Backlight LED [-]
Interface LVDS [-]
Temperature operating N/A [°C]
Temperature storage N/A [°C]